Speak Instalasi Software ]>>
- Microsoft Windows Windows Vista Windows XP with the latest service packs installed (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon (TM) 64 or AMD Opteron (TM)
- The 512 MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
- The 750 MB of hard disk space (1 GB for typical installation with no content). Up to 6GB - needed to install the extra content.
- The Mouse or tablet dan The DVD drive.
- The 1024 x 768 screen resolution (768 x 1024 on a Tablet PC).
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or Mozilla Firefox.
Kreativitas yang diberikan sungguh menakjubkan dalam CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6. Spesifikasi CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 sebagai berikut :
Dengan peningkatan kecepatan, warna yang lebih akurat, ilustrasi
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- New! Advanced OpenType® support
- New! Custom-built Color Harmonies
- New! Multiple trays in Corel® CONNECT™ X6
- New! Creative vector shaping tools
- New! Document styles
- New! Page layout tools
- Enhanced! Complex script support
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- New! Bitmap and vector pattern fills
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